Hey guys... Here is your friendly neighborhood donobuz here to explain the ranks alot simpler than nathan didi
Guest: You have the basic abilities like any other newbie to the server BUT u can not /home or /sethome or /spawn... So i would advise taking your time to become a member... its worth it
Member: You have simple commands of /sethome /home /msg /spawn and etc. This rank will help you thrive on this server
Verterran: To become a verternan, u have to be on the server for at least a month and be very much active on the forums like i am doing right now. This will allow you to make clans and such in the future
Donator: You get //superpick /mob desguise, and /tpa. Donators will have to donate $15 dollars to become one.
There are more but most people wont get